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Weird Sal's Link-O-Rama!

From a loyal fan to Justin Bieber's face on things, Weird Sal has combed through the digital wasteland to bring you the craziest links every internet junkie should see.

ave a link for Weird Sal? Send him a Weirdmail!

April 14,2011

You Will Never Be as Loyal as This Man
When you're favorite band has no more fans, rock on.

Giant Rabbit
Photoshop or freak of nautre?

Video Game Service Medals
Do you know how many blisters we get? We deserve these.

When Geeks Get Married
Cue Princess Leia cosplay.

Trollface Game
A new timesink for the office.

Original 1969 Mustang Going for $550,000
The 40-year-old beast only has 4,000 miles.

Justin Bieber's Head on Things
Help this man crush Justin Bieber in book sales.

April 13, 2011

Homeless Men Get Beat Up for Money
At least ist what by an attractive woman.

Send Shyamalan Back to School
Doesn't he have enough money from making amazing movies to go back himself?

Nappin' and Rappin'
This kid officially knows more lap lyrics then we do.

Using Memes to Get Chicks
Successful troll is successful.

San Francisco to Paris in 2 Minutes
Still shots and time lapse are always in the recipe for a good video.

Classic Spider-Man Warped
If the old Spider-Man was anything like this, everyone would've read it.

A Psychological Evaluation
Seriously, he sounds normal to me.

April 12, 2011

Russia Vs. GMail
In Soviet Russia, GMail mails you!

Tweet Generator
Stumped on what you should share next? Use this generator!

Somone Might Own 50% of Facebook
The Social Network 2, anyone?

The Quest for Andy Richter's New Dance
Two roommates have an idea for Andy.

Green Lantern Webbed Toes
Green Lanterns develop webbed feet for space swimming.

Mass Mayhem
Priests are outraged about the Latin to English conversion.

The Loneliest Cheeto
Really lonely Cheetos.

April 11, 2011

Seven Things that Saved Terrible Movies
These movies have one redeemable quality, but that one quality is awesome.

iPhone 5 Rumors Debunked
Now that we know it doesn't kill zombies, we'll wait for the iPhone 6.

Twin Tornadoes
I got it! I got it! I got it! I got it! I'm getting it!

Facebook Fails
A new month, a new batch of failures.

Treetop Cheetahs
When cheetahs can climb trees, we're doome- uh oh.

The Most Annoying Video Game Habits
We all do them. It's gamer nature.

This Easter, Eat a Deep Fried Egg
The healthiest way to eat a Creme Egg? Deep fried, of course!

April 8, 2011

Every Star Trek Character... 8-Bit
Can you name every sprite?

12 Objects Inspired by Breasts
I'll take a boob mouspad, a boob mouse, and a boob scarf please.

Star Wars the Musical
Would finding out Luke's father is really Vader feel the same in song?

Zebra's Are Now Barcodes
Scientists can scan Zebra's like groceries.

New Beastie Boys
The Beastie Boys combat their new song getting leaked by officially releasing it.

Hottest Pictures of Zooey Deschanel
Yeah she broke our heart in (500) Days of Summer, but she's hot.

Surgically Cut Elf Ears
Now you can really save Azeroth.

More Augmented Reality
We get closer and closer to living in Minority Report every day.

April 7, 2011

The Akira Movie Is Starting to Look Good
And by good I mean awful.

Is Your PS3 Overheating?
Follow these simple steps.

Funny Google Search Suggestions
I was trying to google funny pictures, not funny pickles.

Viral Video Awards
Will anyone ever take down the Old Spice guy?

Crossing the Red Sea...
... with Facebook, Skype, Google, and Amazon.

Augmented Reality Is the New 3D
Hyundai looks like they took a few pointers from Nintendo.

Tossin' Snakes
You will never be as fearless as this man.

April 6, 2011

Become a Piss Expert
 will not be held accountable if you get arrested.

Cow Thinks It's a Horse
Personally I would've trained one of the chickens to let me ride it.

Radioactive Fish
Wait... if you eat a radioactive fish... Aquaman?

iPod Touch With No Home Button?
Apple really needs better security.

Riveting Dog Rescue
I thought this was cute until Enrique Iglesias kicked in. Then I just laughed.

Crazy Camoflauge
It's not just chameleons that you have to worry about.

Death to Memes
Seriously, it stopped being funny 10 seconds after you said it.

8-Bit Remixes of Real Albums
Hash pipe by Weezer sounds a bit different with Sonic the Hedgehog sounds.

April 5, 2011

The Governator Cartoon
After successful careers in bodybuilding, acting, and governing, Arnold tackles crime-fighting.

The Latest Fad in China: Animal Cruelty.
Sealing animals in airtight pouches to be used as key chains is the next Furby.

Spiders Are Wonderful
They'll also kill us all.

Stock Up on Mustaches
What the hell is this article about?

Build Your Own Mark V Iron Man Suit
"Functional" is in quotations because the rockets don't work and the arc reactor is just a bunch of lights

Phil Collins' Daughter to Play Snow White
Lily Collins to play the Disney princess. Her eyebrows to play the dwarfs.

Human Centipede, the Musical
How do you make a movie about sewing people together better? Add singing.

April 4, 2011

New Conan the Barbarian
Awesome or blasphemy?

Pillow Mace
Destruction never felt so soft.

Snowboarder Rails Rail
His first mistake you ask? Snowboarding.

Hungry, Praying Cat
A cat prays to his savior for some purina.

Social Networks Bring Out the Worst in Us
Whether it's over-sharing, reveling in stupidity, or being an egomaniac, it has to stop.

Stephen Colbert Sings Friday
This is the result of reaching their charity goal.

Top Ten Influential Action Flicks
There's something poetic about walking away from from an explosion.

April 1, 2011

Dachshund Stuck in Sweatshirt
PETA will be all over this one.

$10 Bet Could Turn into $50,000
5,000 to 1? Never tell me the odds!

Seven Celebrities with Physical Flaws
Weird thumbs, webbed toes, and conjoined twins oh my!

Old Man Dances(?) to Led Zeppelin
I've come away from this video with a new list of dance moves.

Edible Arrangements Defy All Laws of Economics
An internal investigation turned up melons and pineapples.

Lawnmowers Can Be Fun!
Just enter an official United States championship.

Star Wars High Heels
The Darth Vader remix in the background is an added bonus.

GMail Motion
A revolutionary new way to send emails.

March 31, 2011

How Not to Cut Down a Tree
Lumberjack Lou just can't get anything right today.

Superheroes Vs Real Problems
What happens when Superman fights drug dealers? Hilarity.

Twin Baby Video Translated
It all makes sense now. As the last super power it's our responsibility!

Man Accidentally CC's Ex Girlfriend
That's why I always do my smack talking over Xbox.

Geek-Literate 14-Year-Old
What would the geek form of "kk"?

Drunk Alphabet Fail
L, M, N, O, P... W.

Terrible Shows Waiting to Be Remade
We already know you're thinking about it Hollywood, so just do it.

March 30, 2011

Stephen Colbert to Cover Rebecca Black
The $26,000 mark was just passed. Time to DVR

Bikini Girls Ransack Burger King
Typical day for the king.

Petite Lap Giraffes
Quick! Jump on the waiting list! They even have a live feed.

Google's Internet Connection Is Super Fast
Google team members connection speed will make gamers and pirates weep with envy. 

Super Slow-Motion Motion
People moving around in super slo-mo is actually not as boring as it sounds.

Cosplayers at Megacon
Just when you think a convention can't get any weirder.

Cartoon Characters Who Might Be in Porn
Some of these storyline make too much sense if you ask me

March 29, 2011

The Most Ridiculous Yahoo Answers
Want to know "How grl get pragnent?" Look here!

Video Game Characters Run Rampant
A video game invasion has begun!

Indie Writer Flips Her Lid
Scroll down to the comments to read the most unprofessional debacle of immaturity.

Create Your Perfect Social Network Girlfriend
Not ready to admit you're single? Create a bot that will automatically post on your wall!

French Spider-Man Climbs Tallest Building
Would be impressive if he had a cool costume.

Boa in the Toilet
If you enjoy not checking your toilet for snakes every time you sit down, don't read this. (Via GermanHerald)

Stairway to Heaven
A connection between escalators and happiness has been discovered.

March 28, 2011

Time Lapse of the Aurora Borealis
See the wonder form and dissipate. (Via Vimeo)

Autistic Boy Develops Theory of Relativity
The 12-year-old has a higher IQ than Einstein. (Via DailyMail)

Beardless Zach Galifianakis Talk Show
Once upon a time, the bearded beauty had a talk show. (Via AskMen)

Kiss of Death
Someone refused to kiss this granny. That person then got shot out. (Via SmokingGun)

Spice Up Your Funeral
Five ways you can go out with a bang. (Via a UpRoxx)

When Kites Attack
When you're greatest fear can fly, where do you hide? (Via FailBlog)

Television Can Save Your Life
It saved these lives. Watch TV or die. (Via Cracked)

March 25, 2011

How Young Is Too Young for Botox?
I'd say 7, so this girl is safe. (Via Gawker)

Giant Spider Webs
Don't worry the spiders are still small. (Via BoredBored)

Duke Nukem Pickup Lines
Reciting random lines from Duke Nukem could get you lucky. (Imgur)

Bloody Loco Vs Sweater Guy
You better recognize the name, ASAP. (Via BuzzFeed)

Garfield Minus Garfield
What happens when you remove Garfield from his own comics? (Via GarfieldMinusGarfield)

Hacker Puts Porn On Billboard, Gets Jail Time
He should be getting a gold medal, but we live in a topsy-turvy world. (Via BBC)

Best Arnold Schwarzenegger Video Ever
Arnie gets it on with a carrot. (Via FilmDrunk)

March 24, 2011

Newsflash: Video Games Are Played in Living Room
I'm part of the 1% who keeps their XBOX in the kitchen. (Via USAToday)

Lazy Dog Goes for a Walk
More like a drag, actually. (Via DailyWhat)

The Simpsons Vs Family Guy
Who stole from who? (Via WarmingGlow)

Conan O'Brien Lesbian Look-Alikes
Should Conan be flattered or completely disturbed? (Via Tumblr)

PETA for Pokemon
Poke-Rights, not Poke-Fights. (Via Kotaku)

Reporter Turned Pimp
What do you do in this economy? Obviously, turn pimp. (Via Frisky)

Boob Pasta
Pasta shaped like breasts? Sign me up. (Via BaronBob)

Spider Goats
Genetically combined super spider goats have doomed us all. (Via Imgur)

March 23, 2011

Steven Seagal Breaks Bones
We have proof. (Via FilmDrunk)

If Movie Posters Told the Truth
I would have still went to see Fred Savage in The Wizard. (Via Cracked)

A Unique Way to Tap Someone Out
The coveted "penis-lock" will go down in the record books. (Via AngryDuck)

Karate Fail
Has there ever been a karate fail video that didn't make you laugh? (Via VideoVast)

Axe Murderer Will Buy You Flowers
This intense person isn't what you think he is. (Via NextRound)

Milli Vanilli Goes to the Mushroom Kingdom
It was totally killer. Check it out. Skip to about 1:30. (Via Heavy)

Clinically Insane Polish Music Video
I feel like I fell onto the game grid and everyone's speaing binary. (Via io9)

Hidden Messages in Logos
Seriously? It's too early for this. My mind is exploding. (Via GeekOSystem)

March 22, 2011

Making Wrestling a Parody Even More
How do you mock wrestling when it's already a mockery? (WrestlingFan)

Guess the Jew
You'll be wrong 90% of the time. (GuessWhostheJew)

Lazy Pokemon Designs
I can't wait to catch me some DogDog. (Via Dorkly)

Akira Gets Whitewashed
Anime legend gets casted, poorly. (Via GammaSquad)

Karate Kyle!
Don't talk to him about his karate outfit or he'll kill you. (Via Imgur)

Rebecca Black Sings "Friday" On Line at Bank
Seriously, stop listening to this. Even if you're laughing. (Via Forbes)

Why were these people banned?
You have one guess. (Via WhyWasIBanned)

March 21, 2011

A Couple of Facebook Fails
Exhibit A: What not to do on Facebook. (Via UpRoxx)

The Dumbest Criminals
The police blotter shows us how dangerous a criminal mastermind can be. (Via HuffingtonPost)

Are You Susceptible to Mind Control?
Follows these directions and see if you're at risk. (Via NewScientist)

Girl Is Obsessed With Pooping
Tyra Banks always asks the important questions on her show. (Via AngryDuck)

Turquoise Jeep Records
How can modern day label companies stand up against Slick Mahony? (Via TurquoiseJeep)

The Best Sandwich You'll Ever Eat
It takes 6 hours to prepare, but you'll love it. (Via Guardian)

Banned iPad2 Commercial
This commercial didn't make it to television. (Via PunchBaby)

Corrections, Corrections, Corrections
A website dedicated to correcting the media. (Via iCorrect)

The Most Important Twitpics
These twitpics made news history while reporters were still searching for the story. (Via Mashable)

March 18, 2011

Gilbert Gottfried As a Duck
Some of the best Gottfried Duck material around. (Via FilmDrunk)

Women Hides a Boatload of Drugs in Her Vajayjay
They'll never look here, right? Right? (Via TimesTribune)

The Almost Back flip
He almost had it. Seriously. (Via FailBlog)

Studying Can Be Fun and Tasty!
A neat trick turns studying into snack time! (Via Imgur)

Bed Intruder on Guitar Hero
Antoine Dodson's classic comes to Activision's rhythm game. (Via Dorkly)

The Guiltiest Dog of Them All
Who was it? Oh... it was him. (Via CollegeHumor)

The World's Greatest Movie Extra
It really is a fine art to be able to do this. (Via Salon)

Actors Who Always Look the Same
They fit the part. And that part. And that part... (Via Cracked)

March 17, 2011

Hottest Irish Chicks
What better way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day than to ogle some females? (Via Complex)

Isle of Tune
SimCity meets music maker in this unique browser based time sink. (Via IsleofTune)

Failed Reality Stars
You're already a joke if you're on a reality show. How much more can you fail? (Via WarmingGlow)

Times Square Hacker Was Viral Marketing
This video was actually a campaign for the film Limitless. (Via NYTimes)

Watch It Backwards
If you click this link backwards, it's about you finding this and showing it to me. (Via IfYouWatchItBackwards)

Reviews of Rebecca Black's "Friday"
This song hitting iTunes is proof enough that a higher being is looking out for our well-being. (Via BuzzFeed)

Live Cockroach Billboard
What better way to get your point across than to use live cockroaches? Wait, what was the point, again? (Via Blogspot)

Which Ninja Turtle Are You?
It's a direct reflection of yourself, you know. (Via Cracked)

March 16, 2011

Let's Hack Time Square!
A man has fun with a video transmitter in Times Square. (Via LiveLeak)

Zombie Ants!
A fungus discovered in Brazil takes control of an ant's brain before killing it. (Via LiveScience)

New Silent Hill Movie Begins Shooting
Radha Mitchell, Sean Bean, and Deborah Kara Unger to return.

St. Patty's Animals
Animals ready to show off their Irish pride.

Jack Shephard As Animals
Tom Hanks as animals was so a few weeks ago.

Batman: Arkham City Gameplay
The Next Batman game gives Arkham a chunk of Gotham.

Killer Rubber Tire
The next great horror film will be about a psychic inanimate killer tire. (Via SlashFilm)

Gay Pride Parade for Single Resident
Paul was reluctant to ask for a parade, but we know it's just because he's modest. (Via Onion)

March 15, 2011

Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Press Release
Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim promise they're professional boys. (Via Deadline)

Make a Bulbasaur Costume
It's super effective! (Via Dorkly)

Sex In the Afterlife
Just because you die doesn't mean your sex life has to. (Via Imgur)

A Cat's Fancy Exit
You will never be able to make an exit like this. (Via Blogspot)

Bully Gets Suplexed
A small bully picks on an innocent kid double his size. Not the smartest idea. (Via BroBible)

Batman Fantasy Room
An hourly-priced Batman themed hotel room may be just what your marriage needs. (Via FilmDrunk)

Hardcore Christian or Uber Troll?
YouTube user Tamtampamela has some interesting things to say about the tragedy in Japan. (Via Kotaku)

Snooki On WWE Raw
Snooki becomes a professional wrestler overnight and kicks some scripted ass. (Via Guyism)

Best Fighting Games
Is it weird that we like pounding our friends into a bloody pulp or is it human nature?

March 14, 2011

Pee-Wee Herman On HBO
The first Pee-Wee HBO special in 3 decades occurs this weekend.

Anti-Pervert Devices
You never know when you'll need camera scrambling panties.

Jailtime for Linking Videos
I'm going to prison by the end of today.

Christopher Poole Vs Mark Zuckerberg
The creator of 4Chan speaks out against Facebook.

Ignorant Girl Faces Rebuttal
A ignorant UCLA student rants about library etiquette and receives a response.

The Rules of the Internet
Five rules everyone should follow browsing the web.

Community Goes Adventuring
The real story behind the Dungeons and Dragons episode of NBC's Community.

The Angry Birds Strategy
One of the angry birds finally speak up

March 11, 2011

Hack Your Body
Put in some Game Genie codes in the real world.

Full Versions of TV Themes
Ever headbang to the theme of Cheers before it rudely cuts out? No more

The Sad Truth About Your Apple Loyalty
You probably should have bought stock instead of the new Apple product.

Biggest Japan Quake Leaves Whirpool
After the biggest quake in 100 years, Japan is left with a giant whirlpool.

Bioshock: Infinite Gets Ready for Pax East
Irrational Games sets up a truly awesome display for their upcoming title.

John Cryer Comes Out From Under the Bridge
Instead of denying Charlie Sheen's new rumor, John Cryer embraces the truth.

One Long Walk
A hiker goes on a 6 month trek and takes a picture every day.

A Guide to Weird Mascots
Some team mascots make no sense.

March 10, 2011

Unreleased Scott Pilgrim Music
Tunes not included on the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack.

Movie Posters From Africa
Our favorite movies reinvented in the crappiest way.

Radiohead's Subliminal Donut Love
It all makes sense now. Radiohead loved doughnuts. (Via Tumblr)

Modern Poetry By the Great Cee-Lo
Who knew haikus were trending? (Via MemeBase)

The Awesomest... Beer Bellies?
If you don't have a beer belly you might as well stop trying to be cool. (Via Heavy)

Charlie Sheen Plays Black Ops
The scoreboard never lies. (Via PunchBaby)

Fantastic Mr. Star Fox
Wes Anderson's new film is about discovering yourself. And Spaceships. (Via CollegeHumor)

Dogs No Longer Need Us
If you take anything away from this video, take the fact that mankind is doomed. (Via VideoVast)

March 9, 2011

The Half Head of Hair Bandit
Mid-haircut, this man gets the sudden urge to stab someone in the neck. (Via SmokingGun)

Scooter From Hell
Boy meets scooter. Boy jumps with scooter. Scooter breaks boys heart. And face. (Via FailBlog)

Puppy Cage Vs Ice Cube-Zero
Round 1, FIGHT! AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYWhoooooaaaa... (Via DailyWhat)

Amanda Bynes Is Bored, Takes Pics
The Nickelodeon star goes all Vanessa Hudgens on us. (Via Superficial)

Cow Farts On the Go
There's nothing like the smell of cow farts in the morning. (Via MetroUK)

Really Cool Dogs
Vince Mancini of FilmDrunk reviews a IFC flick about wicked sweet dogs. (Via FilmDrunk)

Is Your Cat Toying With You?
Author Saul Frampton uses French philosophy to ask the great question. (Via CSMonitor)

The Most Realistic Robot Ever
I'm not sure whether to be intrigued or terribly, terribly frightened. (Via GeeksOfDoom)

March 8, 2011

New Study Shows Shape-Ups Don't Work
The Cracked team put the muscle-toning shoes to the test. (Via Cracked)

Anne Frank, Twitter-Extraordinaire
She's too smart for that. (Via Imgur)

Verizon iPhone Download Speed Is Lacking
In more recent news, turns out both AT&T and Verizon suck at different things. (Via Wired)

Awesome Lego Art
The coolest sculptures using nothing but our favorite building bricks. (Via Heavy)

My Jesus Humps
This is not inappropriate. (Via Tumblr)

Man Sounds Exactly Like Shakira
Man shocks judges when he lives up to his claims of sounding like a female pop-singer. (Via Break)

Microsoft Hints at Next Console
An ad by Microsoft asks if you're interested in future consoles. (Via Destructoid)

Adjustment Bureau Rumors Get Adjusted
George Nolfi debunks rumors and explains the almost-twist of the movie. (Via io9)

Jar Jar Binks Goes 3D
We won't care about this until A New Hope. (Via GammaSquad)

March 7, 2011

Voles Make the World Go Round
It turns out small rodents were responsible for everything the human race ever achieved. (Via Voles)

Die a Badass, Save the Earth
If you've been wondering how you should go, just think: T-1000. (Via io9)

Microchip Art
Who needs a Monet in their living room when you have art on your ram. (Via BoingBoing)

Cosplayers With Big Weapons
Everyone knows you can't be a cosplayer unless you're holding a sword the size of a smart car. (Via Kotaku)

Sperm-Shaped Robot Now Pocket Size
Inventor Ishiguro knew the next frontier for his brilliance was making mini-sperm robots. (Via GammaSquad)

Pants Pooper Receives Purple Heart
The onion reports on a soldier overcoming his fourth grade adversity and receiving the purple heart. (Via Heavy)

Bootleg Toys
Where does the inspiration came from for toys? Well, sometimes, it's just Darth Vader on a motorcycle. (Via Cracked)

Rock, Paper, Scissors Vs the Computer
Can you defeat an artificial intelligence designed for one thing? To rule the world of rock, paper, scissors? (Via NY Times)

March 4, 2011

Man Staples Co-Workers Head
The great staple wars of 2011 claim another casualty. (Via Break)

Annnnnnd... Titmouse.
Animals that start with a body part. It seemed logical at the time. (WarmingGlow)

Charlie Sheen Remix
Formula for success: take anything Charlie Sheen says, add bass to it, and rave. (Via Heavy)

Paula Deen Riding Things
The newest meme on the internet is quite simple: place Paula Deen on something funny to ride. (Via PaulaDeenRidingThings)

Daniël Van Buyten Can Do Anything
Belgium soccer sensation Daniël Van Buyten demonstrates his versatility. (Via Memebase)

Star Wars Goes to Hungary
Star Wars movie posters get Hungarianized. (Via GeeksAreSexy)

Tom Hanks Is a Bunch of Animals
A tumblr dedicated to the depiction of Tom Hanks as numerous animals. (Via Tumblr)

Michael Bay Talks Dark of the Moon
Bay promises Transformers 3 will be nothing like Transformers 2. (Via MovieLine)

Bison's Ate Their Way to Victory
New evidence shows Bison killed other pre-historic beasts by eating all their food. (Via ScientificAmerican)

March 3, 2011

Buy a Motherboard, Get PC Case
Asus is shipping it's new motherboards in cardboard boxes that can be transformed into PC cases.

Consequences of Hitting a Deer
A short film puts a unique spin on hitting a deer.

The Reality of Banning Violent Video Games
What would actually happen if we banned blood, gore, and explosions?

Tokyo Marathon Costumes
When Tokyo holds a marathon, you better believe they're dressing up as robots and pokemon.

Charlie Sheen Soundboard
The legendary quotes of Charlie Sheen at the touch of a button.

What Is Internet?
If the future of internet was left up to the anchors of the Today show of 1994, we probably wouldn't have it.

Pimp Your AT-AT
Had Stormtroopers been allowed to express themselves, we probably would've seen more creativity.

Phallic Aliens
They come in pe... nis heads?

March 2, 2011

Underwater Hockey
Real sports don't use oxygen.

The Next Fad in Celebrity Weight Loss
Every other day we hear about how Hollywood is losing weight, but now we really know.

Missing the Mark
This six second clip may be the most painful you see all day.

Elder Scolls VI Already in Works
If you thought Skyrim looked epic, wait till you see the teaser for the next chapter.

Cute Kitten + MadWorld = Anticipation
Something happens in this video, I swear.

No Celebrity Left Behind
A list of celebrities that should host SNL, even if it is just to watch them crash and burn. 

Live the Sheen Dream
Bi-winning can be hard, but it's all part of the Sheen dream.

Hysterical Baby Is Hysterical
You will never be as happy as this child, ever.

March 1, 2011

Sexting 101
Sending a sext can be a dangerous game unless you know the in's and out's.

Higs On Your Six
A fan flick that may be better than any Killzone Hollywood iteration

A Bone Chilling Confession
An exclusive interview reveals the horrifying truth about crop circles.

Star Wars Meets Doctor Who
An innocent Jawa bothers the Doctor to repair a new friend. (Via io9)

Animal Choices: The Hardest Thing You'll Ever Do
Will Ferrel and John C. Reilly try to pick one animal they would want to be. (Via FunnyOrDie)

Go For the Legs!
One little fan won't be confined to her home while trying to enjoy Star Wars. (Via Flickr)

Indie Comedy Gold
The new trailer to Richard Ayoade's upcoming film blends humor and fear perfectly. (Via TrailerAddict)

A woman resorts to Dr. Oz to overcome her fear. (Via BoingBoing)

February 28, 2011

Poop in the Shower
The best pranks include 2 things: fake poop and a girl in the shower. (Via YouTube.)

Mr. Brainwash Sullies The Red Carpet
Banksy's tubby, hairy foe/creation acts French at the Oscars. (Via MovieLine.)

Proof Wrestling Is Real
How do you finally silence the naysayers? Hypnosis. (Via YouTube.)

A Collection of Oscar Flops
Before we pretend the Oscars is a prestigious event, let's remember the mishaps. (Via Slate V)

Racquetball Is Fun and Dangerous
Real men don't wear protective gear, but you also can't cry. (Via FailBlog)

Pregnant Gameboy
Upon cracking open an original Gameboy, someone finds something strange. (Via BoingBoing)

Literal Movie Posters
If movie posters stop trying to sell us on fancy wordplay, maybe we'd respect them more. (Via Listal)

Epic VFX
When EpicMealTime fulfills every desire of Freddie Wong, things get out of hand. (Via YouTube.)
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